It came in the Spring of the year of our Lord 2000 AD, the doom that mankind had justly feared for so long. Upon the once great nations of the earth rained chemical, biological, and nuclear terror so devastating in its effect, that it laid waste to every strategic, industrial, and cultural center existing on the face of the globe. Two billion people died in the holocaust. One billion more died soon after from disease, starvation, and hopeless terror. And then came the invader. And it was not Man. Although the war had mankind's baser nature (avarice, paranoia, suspicion, fear, and the hunger for power) as its seedling, it had been nurtured by intruders from a far distant galaxy until the time proved ripe for conquest. A conquest against which no force could stand, for militant forces no longer existed in the aftermath of this terrible war. By June the last vestige of human resistance was obliterated. But yet there was hope! For small groups of individuals banded together during the successive months to carry on the struggle, to reclaim the proud but war torn world that had once been theirs. Many such bands were routed out and slaughtered by the aliens. Others flourished, silently, as they rebuilt a technological foundation for a counter offensive ...